Tuesday 8 May 2012


Underground Library Annotations Report Promote Literature Resources used

Google Goodreads Novelist Time.com Modern Library Chuck Palahniuk’s website

Search Strategy Initial strategy

My initial strategy was to do a google basic search for “popular transgressive fiction” then browsed results and decided upon a Goodsreads link popular transgressive fiction books Popular Transgressive Fiction Books which was a list of two hundred and fifty books that were classified as transgressive.

Narrowing and refining

The list on Goodreads was organized by most popular so I browsed the top fifty and considering I needed items from the 50s onwards I tried to choose books from different decades. I selected 23 books that were suitable but then culled three of already having a novel from all three of these writers already in my bibliography.

Getting the information for my annotations

Once I selected an item I would search for it on Novelist using title search then get publishing details, appeal elements and rudimentary information about the plot and then search for it Goodreads by title search and gather more in depth plot details and read online reviewers comments to gather more perspective.

Describe usefulness of this annotated bibliography to the target audience and how it will promote this aspect of literature to chosen audience

Each item was selected because of it was classed as Transgressive on Goodreads. Novels American Psycho, Fight Club, Trainspotting, Naked Lunch, Crash, Clockwork Orange and Battle Royale I have previously read so before the blog was started were already under consideration.

The promotional qualities of my blog are the fact if you have read and enjoyed one of items then you will be able to find books that are analogous. It will additionally introduce people to a genre people were not aware of which may become their favorite genre.

Excluded Item Easton Ellis, Bret. Glamorama, New York: Vintage, 1998.

I have previously read this book it was in my original books list for the blog but it had to culled for the reason that I already had a Bret Easton Ellis novel American Psycho which is more popular and had an abundance of books in 1990s which would have made my timeline to 90s heavy.

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